The musings of a silly student... And not much else.

The musings of a silly student... And not much else.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ice age, heat wave, can't complain...*

The blistering heat that swallowed Grahamstown about a week ago, kicking and screaming, has not let up yet. It showed some promising (yet, ultimately, deceptive) signs of cooling down on Sunday, which was Valentine's Day. Benjamin and I were blessed with some beautiful, lyrical, romantic clouds on this romantic holiday.

I planned to surprise Benjamin at his res at exactly 11:11 with a cactus (the perfect flowers for this manly man), The Sunday Times, cupcakes and a letter. I got beautiful flowers (they suit me perfectly!) and 70% cocoa luxury dark chocolate... I felt very lucky!

After lunch, Ben and I took the paper to the luscious green lawns outside my dining hall, and we spent the afternoon reading, laughing and eating. My favourite Valentine's Day by far.

I have drifted off the point completely, as I am prone to do.

Heatwaves. Polar ice caps melting. Pollution.

For the past week I have been researching this mouth-frothily juicy issue and I still cannot say that I am educated enough to make a decision. It seems to me, as with any heated topic of debate, that there are two camps, both friendly and waiting for you to sign up and get sucked in.

One of the abovementioned camps denies that climate change is real and/or caused by human beings. As far as I know, one of their main arguments is that the world temperature is fluctuating, and taking its natural course: getting hotter, and cooling down. Even if it might take thousands of years, the cycle will continue. Sitting in puddles of my own sweat makes me feel a little less friendly towards air-conditioned, hair-conditioned CEOs of motorcar companies and paper mills.

Concerning our familiarity with the other camp I have no doubt. Human pollution is bringing the end of the world closer with frightening rapidity, and we should all do our bit to save the environment by organizing lift clubs, recycling and winning Miss World. This, I can handle. What I find to have slightly more difficulty in swallowing is the fanatical moral authority 'They' (whoever they are) assume over us mere mortals. 'Going green' has turned into the religion of the week!

As I am still undecided as to my own position on the matter, I will not become a moral authority in my own right and use this blog as a platform to promote some interest above another.

This interesting article makes for some enlightening (if not exactly light) reading.

I have finished my second Economics essay (more essays for Economics than English Literature? What?) for tonight, and I pretend to organize my notes while shuffling some papers around. I cannot promise anything.**

* Modest Mouse - The World at Large
Always give credit where credit is due!

** Just joking, mom, I am working incredibly dilligently and I am more organized than I have been for years!

1 comment:

  1. Nou waaroor skryf jy Economics Essays? Jou lecturer moet baie jonk en energiek wees om al die goed te wil nasien! Ek het vir Zakkie ook 'n Lindt 70% Dark Choc gegee Sondag. Ek wou 'n Torta di Polenta, Mandorle e limone (of so iets) vir hom bak, maar kon to (gelukkig) nie my resep kry nie (het nie BAIE hard gesoek nie). Ek sit hier by JOU rekenaar... en verlang. Dankie vir die blog. Groete vir Ben.
